POST api/Account/password
Change the password for a user account. User account will be authenticated prior to changing the password using the username and password. If authentication is unsuccessful for any reason, the user account password will not be changed.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
Object containing Username, Password, NewPassword and ConfirmPassword
UserPasswordChangeName | Description | Type | Additional information |
NewPassword |
New password |
string |
None. |
ConfirmPassword |
Confirm password. Must exactly match the NewPassword. |
string |
None. |
Username |
Email adddress for the account |
string |
None. |
Password |
Current password for the account |
string |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "NewPassword": "NewPassword", "ConfirmPassword": "NewPassword", "Username": "", "Password": "CurrentPassword" }
application/xml, text/xml
<UserPasswordChange xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Password>CurrentPassword</Password> <Username></Username> <ConfirmPassword>NewPassword</ConfirmPassword> <NewPassword>NewPassword</NewPassword> </UserPasswordChange>
Response Information
Resource Description
AuthenticationResponseName | Description | Type | Additional information |
AuthenticatedUser | UserAccount |
None. |
Success |
Boolean value indicating if request was fulfilled |
boolean |
None. |
ErrorMessage |
List of any errors or problems that prevented request from being fulfilled. |
Collection of string |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "AuthenticatedUser": { "UserAccountID": 54321, "Subscription": null, "VerifyToken": "f02b47b6-82e1-406c-8f97-96d6e11f3e16", "EmailAddress": "", "LastName": "Doe", "FirstName": "John", "Alias": "Johnny", "Passport": null, "Gender": "M", "BirthDate": "1970-06-28", "Address1": "123 Main St.", "Address2": "Apt. 2-D", "City": "AnyTown", "State": "NY", "Country": "US", "PostalCode": "10001", "Phone_Home": null, "Phone_Office": null, "Phone_Mobile": "2125551212", "SMS_OptIn": null, "MailingList_OptIn": true }, "Success": true, "ErrorMessage": [] }
application/xml, text/xml
<AuthenticationResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <ErrorMessage xmlns:d2p1="" /> <Success>true</Success> <AuthenticatedUser> <Address1>123 Main St.</Address1> <Address2>Apt. 2-D</Address2> <Alias>Johnny</Alias> <BirthDate>1970-06-28</BirthDate> <City>AnyTown</City> <Country>US</Country> <EmailAddress></EmailAddress> <FirstName>John</FirstName> <Gender>M</Gender> <LastName>Doe</LastName> <MailingList_OptIn>true</MailingList_OptIn> <Passport i:nil="true" /> <Phone_Home i:nil="true" /> <Phone_Mobile>2125551212</Phone_Mobile> <Phone_Office i:nil="true" /> <PostalCode>10001</PostalCode> <SMS_OptIn i:nil="true" /> <State>NY</State> <Subscription i:nil="true" /> <UserAccountID>54321</UserAccountID> <VerifyToken>f02b47b6-82e1-406c-8f97-96d6e11f3e16</VerifyToken> </AuthenticatedUser> </AuthenticationResponse>